
This project originated from the desire of Samsung to compete and stay relevant. The goal was to redesign the marketing website (.com) by elevating its CX to truly enrich peoples’ lives, breaking away from their impersonal & mainly transactional relationship.


User Interface (UI)


Web - Responsive


Customer experience vision for


Adobe XD, Illlustrator


David Bismut - Producer, Prototype
Thomas Raimbault - UX
Juan Estupinan - UX
Amandia Kuoch - AD, UI
Jeremy Lefebvre - AD, UI








Responsive screens of on S10+ devices.


Samsung has been focused on product innovations becoming a notorious experimental tech giant. However, they have not been focusing as much on their relationships with customers. At a time where pressure is coming both from Amazon and Apple, and when Millennials & Gen Z are driving expectations higher than ever, this was becoming an issue.

Story-like slideshows with Lifestyle, features & spec content.


Product pages feel overwhelming, due to a massive amount of information presented in a confusing display, preventing users to fully experience the product.

CX Strategy

The Product pages should be a true playground to discover and experience Samsung products, ensuring maximum excitement for people in both buying or research mindsets.

Creative hypothesis

Create an inspiring and immersive experience with a brand business approach. Play with the existing element in order to facilitate a large scale deployment without creating new editorial content. Let consumers explore key product features and configure their products right above the fold.


The main focus was to deliver delightful, personalized & rewarding experiences and customer support, every step of the way through hardware, software and services. We created a unique and immersive experience so consumers can explore key product features and configure their products following those 4 objectives:

Encourage discovery
Invite users to engage with the brand and provide multiple pathways for exploration. Promote top features with interactive content and videos and leverage an art direction that invites discovery.

Remove barriers
Reduce the vertical scrolling of the page and make sure the product configurator is readily accessible.

Create a sense of belonging
Leverage a personable art direction, human language and community tips to help people engage and relate.

Make it comfortable
Create consistent layouts across the site to help users’ orientation.

Product page structure (early concept).

Spec highlights & buying options.

UI UX Product design Branding Digital experience  Prototyping  Motion design — Design system Mobile design Responsive  App design Data visualization Illustration Icons Audit